Adding Appointments to Your Personal Calendar


  1. Open Gmail on your computer
  2. Open the appointment confirmation or reminder email
  3. Click the three dots at the top to open a drop-down menu

  4. Select Create event
  5. A new tab will open in your browser to Calendar
  6. Confirm the event title, time, and other details
  7. Click Save

The event details will include the body of the email.


  1. In Yahoo Mail, click the Calendar icon in the right pane.
  2. Click the Calendar full view.
  3. Click New Event.
  4. Enter your event info.
  5. Click Save.


  1. Open the email you want to send/attach to calendar
  2. Click on three dots at the top
  3. Click Meeting. This will attach the email and open new meeting windows
  4. Enter the required information.

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