Withings Scale Troubleshooting

If you are receiving an error on your Form Health-provided Withings scale or you notice no readings are coming through, please refer to the following steps.

For basic setup instructions, please refer to the "Withings Scale Instructions + FAQs" shared with you in the resources section of the Form Health app.


Setup Failed error

Please try installing Body Pro again by stepping on the scale or pressing the button at the back of the scale.

Failed set-up error screen

No Service error

Try changing the location of your scale by moving it close to a window where the network coverage is better, and then step on the scale or give a quick press on the button at the back of the scale to start the installation process again.

If the problem persists, the installation might be due to a cellular dead zone. If this is the case, you should proceed to the next step.

No service error screen

For Body Pro 1 scales: Errors 401, 402, 403, 404, 407 and/or weights are not transmitting to the Form Health app

These errors are most likely due to a network connection error. If you typically don't have a good cell signal in your home, you may experience one of these errors. These steps should help.

  1. Please remove the batteries from your scale for a full 60 seconds and then reinsert them.
  2. Place the scale on the hard floor, wait 10 seconds, and try weighing yourself. It is important to wait 10 seconds after placing down or moving the scale before weighing as the scale needs several seconds to calibrate.
  3. If you see arrows on the corners of the scale's display, this indicates that your weight is not evenly distributed on the scale. Adjusting your position on the scale will cause the arrows to disappear and should result in an accurate weight measurement. If the arrows do not disappear, the weight measurements will likely not capture and won't sync in the app.

For Body Pro 2 scales: Errors 401 or 404

  1. First, try moving your scale to another location in your home that may have better cell signal. Continue taking measurements as normal, as the measurements are stored on the device and will be transmitted once cell signal is available.
  2. If step #1 doesn't work, please remove the batteries from your scale for a full 60 seconds and then reinsert them.
  3. Place the scale on the hard floor, wait 10 seconds, and try weighing yourself. It is important to wait 10 seconds after placing down or moving the scale before weighing as the scale needs several seconds to calibrate.

If none of the above works...

  1. Please search “Connect Assistant” in your phone's app store and download the app. Please make sure that Bluetooth is enabled on your mobile device and you grant Location permissions for Withings Connect Assistant.
  2. Then watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVE7woQPNbA
Connect Assistant app

If you've tried the above troubleshooting steps and your scale is still not working, please email help@formhealth.co for further assistance.

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